Sunday, January 17, 2010

Building For Fun

Okay, there are a few benefits to work travel. Occasionally you get to make a side trip somewhere cool. In my case, on Friday we had an hour and a half to kill before our meeting so I asked my good friend/colleague A if he would mind if we stopped at the gift shop in Lego Land – which was right next door to the hotel where we were having the meeting. That is A running away from me in the picture above – he didn’t want his kids to find out we stopped at Lego Land. He claimed that if they knew he would be in big trouble.

I did buy my nephews some t-shirts and pirate chest coin bank kits. But, I have to admit I got something for myself. I had seen a Lego model of the Getty museum in LA that I wanted to buy. Sadly, it was not available. Lego has an architecture series which is very cool. It allows adults like myself to engage in the fun of Lego without the embarrassment of admitting we are playing with plastic blocks that come in prime colors. I contented myself with this little model of the Empire State Building.

I can’t find the Getty set anywhere online… boo! I might have to entertain myself with the Guggenheim instead. You can learn more about the Lego Architecture Series here.

1 comment:

  1. cool...when you get this built, J would like to see a picture of it so he can see how big it is.


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