Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Rain Came Early

It’s been raining like crazy here. We go seven or eight months without a speck of rain and then we get a deluge. Last week we had a huge storm and I did not have power for almost four days. Yesterday it rained so hard the water was bursting up like geysers through the sewer grates and manhole covers in San Francisco.

Last week, before the rains began, I put my old $20 Montreal garage sale rocking chair on the patio. A wooden rocking chair from Eaton’s that someone had for twenty years before me and I have had for the last eleven. The rain caused the maple seat to split into three pieces. The poor chair was not even as old as me and now it’s firewood.

Despite my rocker’s untimely demise I still love the rain. I love that cool wetness. I love to curl up under my old lady quilt and listen to it rat-a-tat-tat on the skylight. It’s sad and sweet all at once.

1 comment:

  1. Nathalie Vanasse30 October, 2009 15:10

    sad about the chair...but it had a good life.


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