Monday, August 10, 2009

Oy Fidel!

Last night I had my California gays over for a little dinner party. It's been very hot here lately and a BBQ seemed appropriate. We grilled some meat and had green salad. I had avocaodoes on hand and used them for a super easy salad that was a delicious dish that I will surely reproduce in the future.

There were two ripe avocados chillin’ in the fridge which were cut into chunks. Then I sliced a white onion up in very thin slivers, using maybe a third of a smallish onion. I think white onion is key because yellow onion would be too strong. Red is probably good too. Then you throw the chunks and slices into a bowl, throw on some salt, grind some pepper and squeeze half a lemon over it all. Mix it very gently to keep the avocadoes from turning to mush.

This is a variation on a Cuban salad - where they use olive oil and red wine vinegar instead of lemon juice. But there is so much fat in the avocado I like it this way. Plus the lemon juice gives it a fresh taste.

I like this salad because avocado is so yummy but its tough to work it into a meal sometimes. Enjoy!

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